Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Mapping Kerbin: KSC Science Satellite

Kerbal Space Corporation has launched its first Science Satellite into a 180km polar orbit around Kerbin.

The KSC Science mission aims to map the surface of Kerbin as well as monitoring local conditions in space, including temperature, gravity and pressure.

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Korbit 1 - Success.

Kerbal Space Corp. is proud to announce the completion of our first mission -  'Korbit 1'.  

'Korbit 1'  was launched from the Kerbal Space Centre atop a 'Launcher Alpha' rocket, carrying three kerbonauts aboard; Bill Kerman, Jebediah Kerman and Bob Kerman.  'Korbit 1' remained in orbit for 18 hours before returning safely to Kerbin, landing in Kerbistan desert as planned.